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Farmhouse for rent in delhi call now

Posted by tondak.sachin on September 19, 2021

Farmhouse for rent in Delhi. Call us now to rent yourself a luxury farmhouse today at +91-9899-08-0909.

Luxury residential palatial farmhouse in Delhi most elite localities. We have the most luxurious farmhouses inventory in Delhi. If you are someone who loves living admist the nature and appreciate the creative play of the life then farmhouse is the best suited accommodation for you and your family.

Luxury farmhouse comes with amenities such as Swimming pool, Indoor Gym and Spa, Grand living rooms, Yoga Hut, Lush green lawn spreading in 1.5 to 2 acres of land, Trees of fruits, Flora, etc. Modular Kitchen, Elite Bathing and Wardrobe systems, In house Bar etc. These are some of the features and amenities of the Farmhouse.

Other amenities include servant room, Guard room for security purposes, privacy, safety and security, Water harvesting, Solar powered Farmhouses,

We specialises in providing custom tailored farmhouse lease for our Clients coming from various professions including Country diplomats, Foreign services officers, CEO, COO, CFO , CTO ,and other C-suite of the company or any other high level officer of the government or Private company.

Contact us today at :

Ackerland Realty at 9899080909 

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